"Rhizom" is a studential groupproject at the münster school of design.
Within one semester 10 students collaboratively work on creating a magazine – regarding not only the topic selection, concept and layout of the magazine,
but also the writing of editorial texts, the final artwork and the production.
but also the writing of editorial texts, the final artwork and the production.
The subject of Issue No. 20 is literally a matter of taste. 10 articles that can be – depending on the readers own preferences – assembled in one magazine by using a fastener.
for the whole magazine visit: https://www.designmadeingermany.de/2015/88179/
in cooperation with: Philipp Schwabe, Christopher Katzenberger, Christina Lehmkuhl, Lisa-Marie Fechteler, Sina Folwaczny, Kira Stöter, Sebastian Metzing, Denise Pleger, Graziella Elschker || pls tag all the creators, if you share this project :)